NEU: Reactive vs. Creative von Nils I. Cornelissen in "A Transformative Edge"

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“There are tons of great tools and interventions out there for transformations and transformative learning, but the success of them depend - in my experience - on the mental state of the person applying these tools and the mental states of the relevant stakeholders. And even though we are all endlessly complex - to (over-) simplify things we can reduce our inner states to two poles: reactive versus creative.”

- Nils I. Cornelissen in “A Transformative Edge. Knowledge, Inspiration and Experiences for Educators of Adults.” Ein Kompendium für Trainer von Erwachsenen mit über 40 Mitwirkenden, die sich durch ihre Erfahrung mit Transformativem Lernen auszeichnen.

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e-book ab Oktober 2020.

Return on Meaning